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Managing a Profitable Banner Ad Marketing Campaign

Yes, banner advertising is ancient considering the way a lot of people look at things. This unique online marketing and advertising method can be scaled to an incredible degree, and it’s a lot less expensive than PPC or PPV advertising. The truly amazing part of this is that your ad budget does not need to be huge to get involved. You can put up banner ads on smaller sites at a reasonable cost and get a high level of response. There is much about banner advertising that still works great – so it’s proven, and there are three such tips you’ll love.

Your banner copy, the text, has the job of moving the reader’s emotions enough to produce a click through. There is a catch with banner copy which is that there isn’t much to write, but what is there really has to be ultra effective. The copy is like walking a tight-rope because it needs to be balanced with the graphics and still be able to convert. There is creativity involved, of course, but one thing that is more important than creativity is writing like a copywriter would do it.

Give people the biggest and baddest product benefit you can come up with. What you want to do is “wow” people with your best benefit. Before you have your ad go live, ensure that you’ve tested it completely. You don’t want your ad to go live with broken links. It’s super easy to make sure the link takes you where it’s supposed to take you. Sometimes graphics and images can render differently across browsers, so that is another important item to verify. You know what the possible issue is, and if any problems arise then it needs to be addressed before submission. If there are any delays then it could have an affect on your social media advertising or affiliate ad reserve space.

It is always a great idea to create several designs because first of all you want to split test banner ads. It’s also good to slightly change designs because banners do have a shelf life on the same sites. Rotating banners from one site to another is very common, and it’s necessary too.

In summary, banner advertising can deliver the most targeted banner advertising results to you if you know what you’re doing. Just like with PPC advertising, it is so important to know what you’re doing because if you don’t, then that is how you’ll waste your money. Once you’re getting a return on your investment, then invest more and you’ll have your own traffic generation machine.

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