In 2012, You Can’t Afford to Compromise Your Brand!
More than 120 million people are anticpated to surf the web next year. Don’t leave a fresh new look for your website off your new years resolution.your customers are seeking for new business
There is really never any shortage of people with ideas or talent, but this alone is not enough to make the idea successful. People need to have the drive, ambition and knowledge to see the idea succeed, otherwise it simply an idea. Additionally, depending on the situation, sometimes the pathway to success through a business incubator is more about the person, their openness to taking advice and going through required market validation steps, rather than the idea itself.
The idea can be secondary to the coachability of the entrepreneur. A characteristic of a good entrepreneur is listening to what the market wants, and creating something to fulfill the need. This is opposed to the more traditional viewpoint of creating a product and attempting to “force” it on the market via advertising and marketing. However, that is not to say that a good idea isn’t important.
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